Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Chronological Index: Ancient History: Ancient Near Eastern History:

Ancient History:

I n f o r m a t i o n

F »The Hittites (/ˈhɪtaɪts/) were an Anatolian Indo-European people who formed one of the first major civilizations of Bronze Age West Asia. Possibly originating from beyond the Black Sea,they settled in modern day Turkey in the early 2nd millennium BC. The Hittites formed a series of polities in north-central Anatolia, including the kingdom of Kussara (before 1750 BC), the Kanesh or Nesha kingdom (c. 1750–1650 BC), and an empire centered on Hattusa (around 1650 BC). Known in modern times as the Hittite Empire, it reached its height during the mid-14th century BC under Šuppiluliuma I, when it encompassed most of Anatolia and parts of the northern Levant and Upper Mesopotamia.« -- More information: Wikipedia

T o p i c a l   I n d e x

1. P r o s e c u t i o n
Legislation: General | Inquiry: - | Trials: - | Arbitary Law: - | Frequency: -

2. C a s e s
Biblical Cases: - | Fictional Cases: - | Mythological Cases: - | Real Cases: -

3. T y p e s
General: Rape | Body: - | Circumstances: - | Frequency: - | Killing: - | Offenders: - | Places: - | Purposes: - | State of Emergency: - | Victims: -

4. O f f e n d e r s
Characteristics: Age and Gender: -; Biological Status: -; Kinship: -; Mental Status: -; Professions: -; Social Status: - | Circumstances: External Circumstances: -; Internal Circumstances: - | Consequences: Physical Consequences: -; Reactions: -

5. V i c t i m s
Characteristics: Age and Gender: -; Biological Status: -; Indirect Victims Groups: -; Kinship: -; Mental Status: -; Physical Status: -; Professions: -; Social Status: - Circumstances: External Circumstances: -; Internal Circumstances: - | Consequences: Mental Consequences: -; Physical Consequences: -; Reactions: -; Social Consequences: -

6. S o c i e t y
Institutions: - | Movements: - | Politics: - | Rape Culture: -

7. R e s e a r c h
Disciplines: - | Education: -

8. R e p r e s e n t a t i o n s
Acoustical: Music: -; Radio: - | Textual: Historiographical Texts: -; Literary Texts: -; Philosophical Texts: -; Press: -; Religious Texts: -; Song Texts: -; Speeches: -; Travel Writing: - | Visual: Art: -; Comics: -; Dance Theatre: -; Fashion: -; Films: -; Musical Theatre: -; Photography: -; Television: -; Video Games: -